Philosophy Gets Schooled
Philosophy podcast aimed at school students. Fun, informative, engaging. Philosophers at universities and schools talk about loads of questions and topics that come up in Philosophy, Ethics and Political Theory - A-Levels / IB / Highers and even GCSE. Hosted by Simon Kirchin, University of Leeds and Director of the British Philosophical Association. Timetable of topics: (Music by Alex Grohl)

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Part 1: Introduction to metaphysics of mind, dualism and property dualism. Chalmers's zombies! Part 2 (starts 31min 05 sec): Jackson's Mary argument. Epiphenomenalism, introspection, natural selection. Evaluation. Ben Jones, DaN McKee and Mabel Rowe chat with Simon Kirchin. (Music by Alex Grohl.)

Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Part 1: Intro to metaphysics of mind, physicalism, mind-brain type identity theory - explanation, arguments for and against. Part 2 (starts 35 min 15 sec): eliminative materialism - explanation, arguments for and against. Michael Lacewing, Sally Latham and Adrian Samuel chat with Simon Kirchin. (Music by Alex Grohl.)

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Part 1: Intro to metaphysics of mind, dualism and substance dualism. Descartes' Indivisibility Argument. Part 2 (starts: 21min40sec): Descartes' Conceivability Argument, criticisms (possibility of other minds, interaction, and category errors). Ben Jones, DaN McKee and Mabel Rowe chat with Simon Kirchin. (Music by Alex Grohl.) [AND APOLOGIES - SK's mic goes funny right at the end. Hope it doesn't spoil your enjoyment!]

Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Part 1: intro to metaphysics of mind and physicalism, 'hard' & 'soft' behaviourism. Part 2 (starts 29min50sec): dualism against behaviourism, Putnam's super-Spartans, circularity and multiple realisability, asymmetry between self-knowledge and knowledge of others, and evaluations. Michael Lacewing, Sally Latham and Adrian Samuel talk with Simon Kirchin. (Music by Alex Grohl.)

Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Part 1: intro to metaphysics of mind, functionalism, advantages. Part 2 (starts: 24min55sec): inverted qualia, no qualia, Mary argument, zombies, Turing/Chinese room/AI and evaluation of functionalism. Sally Latham, Mabel Rowe and Adrian Samuel chat with Simon Kirchin (Kent/Leeds). (Music by Alex Grohl.)

Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Part 1: Types of knowledge, definitions. Part 2 (18min15sec): Innate knowledge: Plato's Meno, Leibniz, Locke and Hume. Part 3 (41min15sec): 'Intuition and Deduction' - Hume's Fork, Descartes' Cogito, clear and distinct ideas, Trademark Argument, etc. Sally Latham and DaN McKee chat with Simon Kirchin. [Music by Alex Grohl]

Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Part 1: Intro, Kalam and Aquinas (first 2 ways). Part 2 (23min25sec): Descartes and criticisms. Part 3 (41min45sec) Aquinas (3rd way), Leibniz and evaluation. Matt Harris and Michael Lacewing chat with Simon Kirchin. [Music by Alex Grohl]

Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Part 1: Scepticism: definition and purpose, brains in vats, scepticism vs. normal disbelief. Part 2 (25min25sec): Descartes: waves of doubt and his responses. Part 3 (45min45sec): empiricist responses (Locke, Berkeley and Russell), and reliabilism. Beth Mackintosh and Ben Jones chat with Simon Kirchin. [Music by Alex Grohl]

Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Part 1: Introduction (the 'Omni-God'), eternal and everlasting. Part 2 (16min50sec): Foreknowledge and time. Part 3 (33min35sec): Stone Paradox and Euthyphro dilemma. Sally Latham and Michael Platt chat with Simon Kirchin (Univ of Kent).

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Part 1: introduction, Aquinas, Paley and Hume. Part 2 (starts 25min05sec): Swinburne, evolution, fine-tuning and evaluation. Michael Platt and Matt Harris chat with Simon Kirchin. [Music by Alex Grohl.]

Philosophy Gets Schooled is a podcast aimed at school students, teachers ad parents. Anyone who is studying philosophy at school level or who has an interest in it. Simon Kirchin (University of Kent) and teachers work their way through the philosophy and ethics curricula for A-Levels/ IB / Highers. Fun and engaging informative and clear. Simon Kirchin is Director of the British Philosophical Assocation.
Get involved - send us questions and ideas to